BILL: Long, black, very slight downward curve, very slightly longer on females.
SIZE: 3-3.75 inches long with 4-4.5-inch wingspan, narrow tapered wings, deeply forked tail on males.
WEIGHT: ranges from 2 to 6 grams with males averaging 3.4 grams against the slightly larger female which averages 3.8 grams.
COLOR: Green, gray, white, red, black, buff, iridescent.
OPEN WOODLANDS: deciduous forests, parks, gardens, and yards, particularly areas with colorful flowerbeds and flowering hedges.
NEST: like the size of a large thimble, built directly on top of the branch.
EGGS: 2, measures 0.5-0.6 inches, white in color and unmarked.
INCUBATION: About 16 days, by female only.
NESTLING PHASE: 14-31 days.
FLEDGLING PHASE: Up to 34 days
NECTAR from flowers such as salvia, trumpet creeper, bee balm, thistle petunia, and jewelweed bee-balm, red buckeye and red morning glory, as well as at hummingbird feeders and, sometimes, tree sap.
INSECTS like mosquitoes, gnats, fruit flies, and small bees; also eats spiders.