Place your hummingbird feeders wisely.

  • Look for areas near flowers that hummingbirds are already visiting naturally.
  • Place close to shelter or perching areas, such as trees or shrubs. If possible, try not to put in the middle of your barren yard.
  • Keep the feeder out of the sun to slow the fermentation process, which will help the nectar last longer.
  • Think about yourself! Make sure you can see the feeders easily from inside your home.

Red is Good!


      Hummingbirds are naturally attracted to the color red, which is the reason why most nectar feeders you see have a red base or top. Make sure that yours does too. At the very least, make sure it has a bright color like yellow.

Make your own nectar with this recipe.

Don’t use red dye in your nectar.

Don’t put honey or artificial sweeteners in your nectar

Replace the nectar BEFORE it spoils.

Don’t let your feeders run out of nectar!

Extend the life of your nectar by putting it in the fridge.