Backyard birders can take several steps to help migrating hummingbirds. It is one of the most common bird feeding myths that feeding hummingbirds will prevent them from migrating. This simply is not true. In fact, savvy birders put their hummingbird feeders up early in the spring and keep them up late in the fall so the birds have a ready food source no matter how local flowers are blooming. Other ways to help to migrate hummingbirds include:

  • Planting flowers to attract hummingbirds with a natural food source, including both early and late blooming flowers for ample nectar in the spring and fall.
  • Providing nesting materials during spring migration for breeding hummingbirds to quickly and easily build nests to raise their young.
  • Taking steps to keep hummingbird nectar from freezing in the late fall so it is still available to late-migrating hummingbirds.
  • Keeping hummingbird feeders clean and replacing spoiled nectar with fresh sugar water regularly so it will be safe and healthy for hungry hummingbirds.
  • Supporting conservation initiatives and habitat preservation in hummingbirds' winter grounds so they will have safe territories on both ends of migration.

Knowing when hummingbirds migrate gives birders a migration timeline to anticipate when they will see these beautiful birds, and taking steps to help them will ensure successful migrations for generations of hummingbirds to come.